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The words Dr. Montessori used to describe the child’s absorbent mind were chosen deliberately. The word absorbent implies “taking in” and integrating into the whole. Children take in their experiences and impressions which become part of the structure and content of their brains. Children have an innate desire to learn and explore. Adults should act as guides and facilitators, allowing children to learn at their own pace and through self-directed activities.

“Children have an absorbent mind. They absorb knowledge from the environment without fatigue”

–   Maria Montessori

Montessori offers individualized education

Instead of a one-lesson-fits-all approach, the Montessori environment takes a “follow the child” approach, which allows all children to receive an individualized education. Activities and lessons are carefully designed to fulfil the child’s developmental needs. A Montessori teacher may have different goals for each child, which helps children learn in their unique style and at their own pace. However, the educational focus is not just on academics — Montessori also focuses on physical, emotional, and social exercises.

There is an emphasis on hands-on learning

The Montessori environment is specifically designed for children to play and learn using tools and materials that engage the five senses. Hands-on learning through real-world activities supports children’s natural curiosity, independence, and self-guided education.

Children develop strong social and leadership skills

Montessori classrooms are not grouped by age. Instead, children are surrounded by peers in a similar developmental stage. Since children are often fascinated by what other children are doing, this mixed-age classroom environment fosters younger children’s social development and encourages them to take on more challenging material as they are ready. Peer-to-peer learning also allows older students to take on a leadership role, strengthening their confidence and independence.

Montessori cultivates a love of learning

The Montessori environment is specifically designed for children to play and learn using tools and materials that engage the five senses. Hands-on learning through real-world activities supports children’s natural curiosity, independence, and self-guided education.

The absorbent mind is a superpower of children from birth to six years. Children under six are absorbing everything in their environment, our actions need to reflect what we expect. If we want children to sit at the table to eat, we need to sit at the table to eat. If we want children to talk with quiet, calm voices, we need to talk with quiet, calm voices. Children are absorbing indiscriminately. We may not think they are looking, but they are taking it all in! For an example, A child who grows up in a culture where it’s customary to remove shoes before entering a home will likely do so automatically, even if they’ve never been told to. A child who observes their parents celebrating certain holidays will likely come to understand the traditions and customs associated with those holidays.

Montessori classrooms are less structured than traditional preschools

These are just an example of how the absorbent mind works in real life. It’s important to remember that young children are constantly absorbing information and experiences from their environment, even when we don’t realize it. So, in our Montessori environments, we are very careful with how we move, what we talk, how we talk and what we do.

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